In accordance with the World Water Day, the viva – voce examination of the master’s thesis entitled (the impact of the proposed program for developing the concepts of water education among kindergarten children and their attitudes towards water issues) on Thursday 22/3/2018. It was conducted by the researcher Mariam Salem Bamatraf; a teacher in the Kindergarten Department and Director of Activities at Women’s College.
The examination committee consisted of Prof. Salem Mubarak Al obathani; supervisor and chairman, Associate Professor, Dr. Abdullah Qassem Abdullah; an external examiner, and Associate Professor, Dr. Intisar Ali Basurrah; an internal Examiner.
The examination took place in Bakatheer Hall, at Hadhramout University Presidency, in the presence of the researcher’s family and a number of staff members from Women’s College and other colleges at the university.
Women’s College in Mukalla congratulated the Dean, staff members, employees and all members of the college and teacher Maryam Salem Bamatraf, for obtaining a master’s degree in educational sciences.