Women’s Faculty Launches The Free Drawing Event


University media , 16.11.2022

Prof.  Salem Mubarak Al-Obthani, Vice President for Student Affairs, accompanied by his assistant Prof. Dr. Salem Mohammed bin Salman, and Prof. Dr. Najat Bousabaa, Dean of the faculty in Mukalla, attended the free drawing event that was held in women’s faculty with the participation of 25 students from various faculties. It was organized by the General Administration of Activities at Hadhramout University as part of the activities of the eleventh university student week, in coordination with the Department of Art Education in the faculty, in the courtyard of the faculty.

He expressed his admiration for the displayed paintings that show the creativity of the participants, appreciating the participation of two deaf and dumb students, in a clear indication of the level of academic performance of the faculty in Mukalla at the beginning of the activities and events of the eleventh university student week.

The event was attended by a number of faculty deans and their deputies, as well as specialists from the Women’s faculty and the Student Affairs Office.