Social Work


Overview Of Social Work

This Department was established in the academic year 2007/2008 and it awards a bachelor’s degree in Social Work. It aims at preparing specialized cadres to work in the fields of social work and social guidance in public education institutions, family, motherhood and childhood care, reproductive health, community health, special needs individuals care, talented and outstanding individuals care, elderly care, correction and reform civil organizations, courts that are concerned with family issues and juvenile delinquency, and social care and insurance institutions. The Department also aims at qualifying social workers and researchers to conduct researches and studies in the areas of social work, analyze community problems and use the scientific knowledge to solve them.

Moreover, 6 batches graduated from this department by the year 2016/2017. The first batch graduated in 2010-2011, and the number of female students was 33, while the second batch graduated in 2011-2012, and the number of female students was 36. The third batch graduated in 2012-2013, and the number of female students was 49, and the fourth batch graduated in 2013- In 2014, the number of female students was 41. The fifth batch graduated in 2014-2015, and the number of female students was 57, and finally the sixth batch graduated in 2015-2016, and the number of female students was 41.


Achieving scientific excellence in this department to be part of the higher education in the field of social work in our society.


The department’s mission is focused on preparing qualified specialists in the field of social work with modern professional knowledge, skills and expertise in informational communications, critical thinking, teamwork skills, research and communication skills in social work. It also develops and contributes to the dissemination of social knowledge and provide consultations, training and social services to the community and its institutions


  1. To prepare distinguished social workers scientifically, intellectually and skillfully who are capable of working in public and private social care institutions and in civil community organizations.
  2. To train the students theoretically and practically in order to practice the profession of social work in the various fields of social work such as school, field and psychological fields, youth care, family and childhood, elderly and special needs individual care, social defending, and other fields.
  3. To conduct scientific studies and research that cope with the contemporary developments and the educational and community needs.
  4. To promote the academic level of social work graduates to be able to compete in the local and regional labor market.
  5. To provide training programs for the social workers in the public and private institutions, and civil community organizations in order to develop their field skills.
  6. To provide the graduates with the professional skills to develop communities and their individual and collective units.
  7. To organize conferences, scientific symposiums and workshops to discuss the latest trends and contemporary models in the field of practicing social work.
  8. To contribute effectively in the various programs of community service such as voluntary, awareness and developmental aspects.

Faculty’s Programs

Bachelor Program

Description of Courses :

  • Study Plan :
First Level
First Semester Second Semester
No. Course Title Hours No. Course Title Hours
T P total T P total
1 Arabic language(1)* 2 2 Arabic language(2)* 2 2
2 English Language(1)* 2 2 English Language(2)* 2 2
3 Islamic Culture(1)* 2 2 Islamic Culture(2)* 2 2
4 Introduction to Social Welfare 3 3 Principles of Social Work 3 3
5 Introduction to
3 3 Social Laws 3 3
6 General psychology 3 3 Social Work & Development 3 3
Total 15 15 Total 15 15


Second Level
First Semester Second Semester
No. Course Title Hours No. Course Title Hours
T P Total T P Total
1 English Texts in Social Work 3 3 1 Introduction to Organization of  Society 3 3
2 Introduction to Individual Service 3 3 2 Introduction to General Practice in Social Work 3 3
3 Introduction to Group Service 3 3 3 Introduction to Social Statistics 3 3
4 Communication skills * 2 2 4 Social Work in  Environment Field 3 3
5 Introduction to Computer Science* 2 2 5 Research Methods in Social Service* 2 2
6 Hand Crafts** 3 3 6 Recent Community Issues** 3 3
Total 6 16 16 Total 17 17


Third Level
First Semester Second Semester
No. Course Title Hours No. Course Title Hours
T P Total T P Total
1 Fundamentals of Childhood Education ** 3 3 1 Practices in Individual Service 3 3
2 Social Work in the Family and Childhood Field 3 3 2 Social Work in Medical Field 3 3
3 Social Work in the Field of Social Defense 3 3 3 General Practices among Individuals, Family  & Community, 3 3
4 Practices in Group Service 3 3 4 Practices in Society Organization. 3 3
5 Social Work in the Field of  Youth Welfare 3 3 5 Social Work in the Education Field 3 3
6 Social Work in the Field of  the Elderly 3 3 6 Recent Community Issues** 3 3
Total 18 18 Total 18 18


Fourth Level
First Semester Second Semester
No. Course Title Hours No. Course Title Hours
T P Total T P Total
1 Models and Theories in the individual Service 3 3 1 Social Work in the Field of  Labor Welfare 3 3
2 Recent Trends in Group Service 3 3 2 General Relations and Communication in Social Work 3 3
3 Contemporary Trends in Society Organization 3 3 3 Social Work in Special-needs Groups 3 3
4 Introduction to Social Administration and Planning 3 3 4 Project Writing 3 3
5 Field Training 3 3 5 Field Training 3 3
Total 12 3 15 Total 12 3 15

Note: there are additional and compulsory activities such as field tours and skills training which consider an important part of the study plan.

Courses Hours Percentage
University Requirements 18 14%
Faculty  Requirements 9 7%
Specialization 102 79%
Total 129 100%
