A Cooperation Protocol Between HU & Institute of Arab Research and Studies (Cairo)

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In the presence of  Prof.  Mohammed Al-Abadi; the Cultural Adviser of our Embassy in Egypt, A protocol for cultural, academic and educational cooperation has been signed between Hadhramaut University and the Arab Research and Studies Institute in Cairo.

The protocol signed by Prof. Mohammed Mustafa Kamal, Director of Institute and Prof. Mohammed Awad Barashead , Dean of Arts College, ,this protocol will benefit university students, professors and academics between the two sides, and will establish joint cooperation in the cultural, academic and research fields.

The signing was attended by Prof. Yahya Mansour, the financial and administrative official from the Institute, Dr. Mohammed Al-Tanahi, Head of the Research and Studies Department, Dr. Tamer Anis, Head of the Department of Educational Affairs, and from Hadhramout University: Associate Professor Dr. Salah Ali bin Medshall, Head of the Department of Political Science at the College, and Dr. Murad Muhammad Baalawi, a member The faculty of the college.