The Minister of Postgraduate and Scientific Research discusses a mechanism of continuing the study at Hadhramout University.

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A meeting was held at the HU Presidency, which included Prof. Dr. Hussein Abdul Rahman Basalamah, the Minister of Postgraduate and Scientific Research, and the leadership of Hadhramout University, headed by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Saleh Babeir, Vice President for Academic Affairs. The meeting discussed a mechanism for continuing the study for the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020  in all the faculties, with adopting all precautionary measures and social distancing to limit the spreading of Covid19 in order to ensure the safety of students. The meeting also reviewed the possibility of continuing the study with the distance education system  for the coming period.

In his turn, Prof. Dr. Hussein Baslama, the Minister of Postgraduate and Scientific Research , commended efforts made by the leadership of Hadhramout University, and pointed out that the ministry wishes to spread the notable and successful example of Hadhramout University among other universities, and indicated that he will offer all the requirements necessary for the university to the Council of Ministers in the next meeting.

After that, the Minister of Postgraduate and Scientific Research, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Hadi Salim Al-Sabban, Vice President of the Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, and Deans of the Faculties of Computer and Information Technology and Open Education, payed a go -and -see visit to the complex of  future faculties , who had an idea about willingness, equipment and the preparation of ground to  receive students  for continuing their study with adopting social distancing measures .

The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Salim Mubarak Al-Obthany, Vice President for Student Affairs, Prof. Hadi Salim Al-Sabban, Vice President of the postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Abdullah Alawi Eideed, Secretary General of the University, Dr. Mohammed Bamatrif, Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Technology,  Dr. Mohammed Bin Jamaan, Dean of the Faculty of Open Education And Dr. Ezzat Al-Saadi, Director of the Information Technology Centre at Hadhramaut University.