Hadhramout University holds 2nd Workshop to Discuss The Strategic Plan Matrix

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Meeting of the Vice-Presidents of the University, the Secretary-General of the University, his assistants, the chairs and members of the sectorial committees and a number of specialists to discuss the matrix of the second strategy of the University and to translate the detailed objectives into operational programmes and projects of the Strategic Plan 2022-2030, which will be translated to serve the vision and needs of the University of Hadhramaut.

Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbash, HU President , expressed his high appreciation for the efforts of the heads and members of the sectors’ committees in the 2ED strategy of Hadhramout University. He said at the opening of the second meeting of the committees ”  Today you are laying down basic building blocks for the sake of Achieving the university’s ambitions to reach a wider horizon, and achieving successes for our university, which we work together to achieve high ranks in various fields of science as one of the most important beacons of scientific radiation in the country.

The plan included the completion of the University City’s facilities, the development and modernization of the University’s existing infrastructure, the development of academic programmes to achieve standards of quality and local and global accreditation, the training of teaching staff, the completion of the shortage of scientific faculties and research centers originating in the University, the development and support of the scientific research and innovation system, the improvement of students’ services to provide them with intellectual and professional skills, the modernization of the comprehensive management system, partnership and sustainable development plans and programmes.

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