HU Leadership Meets Delegation of the Higher Education & Scientific Research Ministry

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Dr. Khaled Omar Baslem, Under-Secretary for Educational Affairs, expressed his pleasure at visiting Hadramaut University and added: In the Faculty of Open Education, we have found a stable course of study, an ambitious plan for faculty  programmes and steps to achieve the goals of open education through electronic platforms and modern technologies. HU also serves as a model for the promotion and discipline of open education and the pursuit of quality.

In the presence of Prof. Salem Mubarak Al – Obthani, Vice-President of the University for Academic Affairs, and Prof.  Hadi Salem Al – Sabban, Vice-President of the University for Postgraduate  Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Adbullah Saleh Babair, Vice President of the University For Students Affairs , conveyed HU President greetings to the delegation and wished them all the best in their visit to the University. And added ” The leadership of the University paid tribute to you for the level of progress and status of the University. We believe that this represents moral support. We will take the necessary steps to move the open education programmes to a new vision that will keep pace with the developments in the open education landscape in coordination with the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology to provide the technical requirements for the Faculty of Open Education”


For his part, Prof. Salim Mubarak Al – Awbhani noted that the Student Affairs Office is keen on the Faculty’s input and output in terms of continuous follow-up, and commends the Faculty’s leadership since its establishment.

Dr. Khaled Shafel, Director-General of the Community Education Sector, pointed out that a clear time plan and vision of the College would have a significant impact on guiding the evaluation and performance compass and adjusting any deviation during the duration of the walk. The meeting also discussed a variety of issues relevant to the Ministry’s sectors.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Mustafa Hussein Al-Shuaibi, Director of Legal Affairs at the Ministry, Dr. Lotfi Khanbari, Associate Professor of Information Technology / Aden University , and Dr. Walid Ahmed Al-Attas, the Dean of the Faculty of Open Education/ HU.