HU President Checks Jameh Mosque of Fuwa Colleges complex and Looks into Final Arrangements

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Prof. Muhammad Saeed Khanbash, President of Hadhramaut University, accompanied by Prof. Abdullah Saleh Babair, Vice President for Academic Affairs, checks the final works in Jameh Mosque, Fuwa Colleges Complex. He met with Sheikh Salem bin Saleh Bakhshwain, and a number of engineers and working staff.

During his visit, the President of the University checked the main courtyard of the mosque, the pulpit and public facilities, and reviewed the architecture that was characterized by the architectural style inspired by the heritage of Islamic architecture.

He checked the upper floor and the large area that allows for more people to attend the five and Friday prayers, and the air conditioning system that has been completed and reached its final stages; Preparing to open it soon on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan.

The president expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the generous support and the prominent role of the project’s financier, Sheikh Salem bin Saleh Bakhshwin, asking God Almighty to bless him with his money, health and well-being, as the mosque appeared in this wonderful image that brings comfort and reassurance to the souls of those who frequent him in the five daily prayers on time.

As well as he checked the house that  prepared for the imam of the mosque and its annexes.

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