The Vice President for Student Affairs & Representative of The Ministry Discusses Final Arrangements for Differentiation Exams

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University Media 11/25/2022
Prof. Salem Mubarak Al-Othani, Vice President of Hadramout University for Student Affairs, received in his office yesterday Mr. Zayed bin Shihab, Director General of Public Relations and Information at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry’s representative to attend the comparison exams for the bachelor’s cultural exchange scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024, which is scheduled on tomorrow, Saturday 26 This month .
In the meeting, in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Zain Bahmeed, Director General of the General Department of Information at the university, Mr. Khaled Moamen, Director of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, and Mr. Abdullah bin Thalab, the supervisor of the examination process, the discussion took place about the final arrangements for conducting exams tomorrow at the Colleges Complex in Fuwah, Al Masaken area. The Vice President of the University for students Affairs confirmed Students stressed the need to benefit from the previous experience and the successes it represented. Bin Shihab expressed his aspiration for the university to achieve the best results for conducting exams like its previous experience.
The official website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Technical Learning and Vocational Training had published lists of students names who completed the electronic coordination process to enter the selection exam for the Bachelor’s cultural exchange scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024.
As well as , it had previously announced to students who wishes to obtain grants that the coordination process would begin on the second of November.
All coordinating students should see the list attached in the link below and know the exam halls in which they are distributed
The Technical Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research issued important instructions for students applying for comparison exams to compete for cultural exchange scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024.
The instructions issued by the technical committee in the ministry indicated that
Examination courses: (Mathematics + Chemistry + English).
Examination period: one continuous period of two hours.
The start time of the exam: at 9:00 a.m, and attendance at 8:00 a.m .
Examination system: multiple-choice paper and electronic correction.
The differentiation criteria: 70% of the comparison exam rate, 30% of the high school average.
Examination course weights: 30 degrees in Mathematics, 30 degrees in Chemistry, 40 degrees in English.
The instructions also included a set of requirements and instructions for entering the differentiation exam, which are:
Students applying for the differentiation exam must come an hour before the exam date to know the exam locations, and commit to entering the exam halls according to their names and alphabetical order.
Bring the original high school form, personal card, passport, or seat number to verify the identity of the student, and the original notice to the exchange office for the payment of coordination fees.
added that no applicant may enter the examination halls unless his name is included in the announced lists.
It will not be allowed to enter the exam hall with a mobile phone, folk costume, weapons of all kinds, or smoking.
Each answer sheet bears the student’s name and exam code number, and a place for the fingerprint and stamp.
The ministry said that each student must make sure, at the moment of receiving the answer sheet and question papers, of the following:
He received the answer sheet and the questions on which his name was written.
Each question paper contains four papers as follows:
The electronic answer sheet (mirrors) in the front with the student’s name printed on it.
Mathematics question paper contains 15 questions.
Chemistry question paper contains 15 questions.
English question paper contains 20 questions.
– There is more than one exam form and the code of the form is written at the top of the answer sheet, as it is written in each of the question papers, and each student must make sure that all the papers handed to him follow the same form, meaning:
– If the answer sheet is Form (A), then it must be ensured that the rest of the question papers are written above (A).
– If the answer sheet is Form (B), then you must make sure that the rest of the question papers are listed above (B).
The answers must be transferred from the question papers to the answer sheet (mirrors) by completely shading only one circle.
For each question, there is only one correct answer, and choosing more than one answer for any question is considered void.
It is forbidden to bend, fold or tamper with the answer sheet.
It is forbidden to use distinctive pens such as green or red liquid or dry pens (only blue or black pens are used) to mislead the number of the appropriate answer.
Corrector pens are not used on the answer sheet. It is forbidden to exchange pens and other exam supplies.
Creating chaos, attempting to cheat, or impersonating another student exposes the student to disqualification from the differentiation exam and is referred to the judicial authorities.
Before the student leaves the examination hall, the Ministry called for the need to ensure the following:
Signing the attendance and absence statement.
– That he has shaded the answers on his electronic answer sheet.
Stamping the answer sheet by the controller.
– The fingerprint on the answer sheet in the place specified for that.
At the end of its instructions, the Technical Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research wished success to the advanced students.

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