University Council


Terms of Reference:

    1. To formulate the general policy of the University in order to raise the level of education, scientific research, rehabilitation and training, and to meet the needs of the overall development in Yemen.
    2. To set the educational bases that must be included in the University courses and activities in accordance with the Islamic ideology and sharia.
    3. To support the independence of the University, and take all the means that enhance its attitude and enable it to fulfill its mission and achieve its objectives .
    4. To discuss and approve the University annual budget project that was prepared in the light of the budget projects of the faculties and centers, and to oversee their implementation.
    5. To evaluate the University work in the light of its general policy, consider the annual and periodic reports submitted by the University president, deans of the faculties and directors of the centers to the Council, and to form special committees to evaluate the various activities of the University, particularly in the areas of:
      1. Academic performance of academic staff members and their assistants
      2. Student affairs.
      3. Postgraduate studies and scientific research
      4. Financial and administrative performance.
  1. To approve the appointment of the academic staff members at the University and the affiliated institutes and centers, introduce their rights and duties, approve their secondment with or without salary, their transferring, granting of sabbatical leave, the acceptance of resignations and termination of their services according to the provisions of the Law and Regulations and in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and other regulations.
  2. To discuss and approve the study plans and programs that are submitted by the councils of HU faculties and centers and to establish new scientific departments.
  3. To discuss and approve the development plans of the University that cope with the development plans of Yemen.
  4. To determine the number of students who can be accepted every academic year in the University according to the needs of community and the absorptive capacity of the University, taking into consideration the maximum admission limit for each of specialization as specified by the Supreme Council and in accordance with the approved annual plans of admission.
  5. To award degrees, titles, diplomas and certificates.
  6. To receive donations to the University that come through Waqf,  contributions, donations and bequests, etc., but without being in contradiction to the public policy of Yemen or contrary to morality and values.
  7.  To approve the plans for construction, equipping and maintenance of the University buildings and facilities.
  8. To supply the needs of the University library, and the libraries of the affiliated faculties, institutes and centers with scientific resources, references, journals and modern techniques in a way that ensures the needs of academic teaching process and scientific research based on the proposal of the Council of Library, Documentation, Publishing and Translation Affairs.
  9. To form permanent or temporary scientific and technical committees from the Council members, members of the staff members and specialists in order to examine and express opinions on the subjects entrusted to them.
  10. Re-issue, modify or repeal decisions made by the councils of the faculties, institutes or centers if they are in contravention of the University laws, regulations or organizational decisions.
  11. To determine the general basics of the social, cultural and sporting students’ activities and their health care based on the proposal of the Student Affairs Council.
  12. To discuss and approve the final account of the University and its faculties, institutes, centers and hospitals, and the periodic reports submitted by the external administrative and financial oversight bodies and submit that to the Supreme Council.    
    1. To approve the scientific and technical cooperation agreements between the University and other universities concluded by the president or one of his deputies under written authorization.
    2. To approve the scientific and technical cooperation agreements concluded by faculties, institutes and centers with other scientific bodies after being approved by the University President.
    3. To strengthen  the University’s relations with private sector institutions.
  13. To consider matters referred to the Council by the University President or by one third of the membership of the Council, as well as any other matters of the Council according to the provisions of the law.

University Council Membership:


University Council

1 Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash University President Chairman of the Council
2 Prof. Abdullah Saleh Babair University Vice President for Academic Affairs Member
3 Prof. Salem Mubarak Al-Obthani University Vice President for Students Affairs Member
4 Dr. Hadi Salem Al-Sabban University Acting Vice President for Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research Member
5 Mr. Abdullah Alawi Aideed, General Secretary of the University Member
Dr. Samir Yeslam Ba-Othman
Dean of Medicine & Health Sciences Faculty
Dr. Khaled Awadh Alrubaki
Dean of Environmental Sciences & Marine Biology Faculty Member
Prof. Ghazi Ahmed Al-Rashidi
Dean of Sciences Faculty Member
9 Prof. Najat Ahmed Busaba Dean of Women’s Faculty/ Mukalla Member
10 Dr. Saeed Salmeen Belafair Dean of Education Faculty / Mukalla Member
11 Dr. Adel Karamah Maili Dean of Education Faculty/ Al Mahara Member
Muhammad Awadh Barshaid
Dean of Arts Faculty Member
13 Salem Saleh Ba-Momen Dean of Engineering & Petroleum Faculty Member
14 Dr. Abdullah Saeed Al-Hanshi Dean of Nursing Faculty Member
15 Dr. Faisa Ahmed Obaidi Dean of Law Faculty Member
16 Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Al-Mujibi Dean of Applied Sciences  Faculty Member
17 Muhammad Abdullah Bamatraf Dean of Computers & Information Technology Faculty Member
18 Dr. Mahfoudh Abdulkarim Al-Musali Dean of Administrative Sciences Faculty Member
Dr. Saad Amer Ahmed
Dean of Education Faculty / Socotra Member
20 Dr. Walid Ahmed Al-Attas Dean of Open Education Facutly Member
21 Prof. Abdullah Eidha Baheshwan Director of Academic development and Quality Affairs Center Member
22 Dr. Azzat Ahmed Ali Al-Sadi
Director of the Information Technology Center
23 Prof. Abdullah Hussein Al-Jufri Director of University Consultation Center Member
24 Prof. Ahlam Saleh Bin Braik Director of Women’s Studies Center Member
25 Dr. Khalid Saleh Bawahdi Director of Environmental Studies & Water Resources Center Member
26 Dr. Muhammad Abubaker Mugaibel Director of Human & Social Studies Center Member
27 Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Kasadi Chairman of the Union of  Staff members and Assistants Member
28 Prof. Salem Muhammad Bin Salman Representative of Professor Class Member
29 Dr. Hasan Saleh Al-Ghlam Representative of Associate Professor Class Member
30 Dr. Saleh Omer Al-Batati Representative of Assistant Professor Class Member
31 Marwan Ahmed Al-Habshi
Chairman of the Academic Staff Union
32 Abdulrahman Omer Baafi Head of the General Students’ Council Member
33 Prof. Abdulhakim Mabrouk Lardi Director of the University Hospital Member

Secretary of the Council

1 Dr. Salem Oboud Ghanem
Secretary of the University Council Secretary of the University Council
2 Anwar Mubarak Bomander General Director of the Council Affairs General Director of the Council
3 Lotfi Nasser Al-Akbari Director of the University Secretariat Department Director of the University Secretariat Council