Hadhramout University Media Club Launches its First Event


The Hadhramout University Media Club launched its first event on Monday morning under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, Hadhramout University President, and the supervision of the Student Affairs Deputyship at the University Presidency. It was held in Ahmed Bawazir Hall at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.


The launch ceremony began with an introductory session presented by Dr. Salem bin Salman, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. He welcomed the attendance, conveying greetings from the university president and the vice president for student affairs, Dr. Salem Al-Obathani.

n2 He emphasized Hadhramout University’s keenness to refine and develop the media talents of its students by activating the Media Club as a free space where students can showcase their talents.

During his speech, the club’s Head, student Mohammed Saeed Baqi, provided an overview of the club, its vision, and its objectives. He confirmed that membership in the club is open to all university students with media inclinations in various specializations. He also mentioned that the club’s plan focused on attracting students to become club members, providing training opportunities, and highlighting their presence in the media field through partnerships with media institutions in the future.

n3 Following the introductory session, a seminar titled “Public Speaking Skills” was presented by trainer Hashem Al-Aidarous. He discussed some guidelines and necessary skills for speaking confidently and in front of an audience, emphasizing the importance of body language and its impact on the spoken message.


The event was attended by Dr. Duaa Bawazir, the General Director of Al-Mukalla Radio, Dr. Atef Al-Tamimi, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for Student Affairs, Mr. Zaki Ahmed Baqwiqo, the General Director of the Student Activities Department at the university, Dr. Hassan Saleh Al-Ghalam, along with several staff members from Hadhramout University and students from various specializations.
