Hadhramout University Concludes The Discussion Workshop on Evaluation of Exam Papers for University Colleges


A discussion workshop on the evaluation of exam papers for the colleges of Hadhramout University was held under the patronage and attendance of Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, President of the University, and Prof. Abdullah Eidha Baheshwan, General Director of the Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center at the University, as well as the leadership of the Police College in Hadhramout Governorate, headed by Colonel Dr. Saleh Al-Tamimi, and deans of the colleges, their deputies, and the staff members at the university.

After serious deliberations and discussions by the attendees, and after considering the various visions and the desired results to achieve the goals and objectives, the workshop came out with the following recommendations:

  1. Submit periodic reports to the university presidency and deans of the colleges that include the most important strengths and weaknesses of the final exams to determine the workshops and training courses necessary to improve the skills of staff members.
  2. Provide feedback to staff members on the quality of their questions and tests and their psychometric properties, and train them on how to prepare exams in light of the specifications.
  3. Organize training courses for staff members on how to prepare exam questions.
  4. Continuous training for staff members and providing technical support and specialized electronic programs to prepare good exams free from measurement types and develop types of questions that aim to measure higher skills and rely on rubrics in correction to ensure quality.
  5. Train staff members on how to prepare a measurement plan for the learning outcomes of the course to ensure that the exams cover the learning outcomes.
  6. Train staff members on how to formulate questions that allow students to use higher-order thinking skills.
  7. Continuous review to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes at the program, college, and university level with the building of improvement plans.


Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, President of the University, described the outcomes of the discussion workshop as fruitful and yielding positive initial results. He expressed hope that these outcomes will be implemented in practice in the colleges with enthusiasm and competence to reach new horizons, a better future, and more coherent and compatible outcomes with the labor market, serving the goals of sustainable development and achieving the university’s goal of being in service to the community.