HU president resolution No.(59)


Hadhramout University president resolution No.(59) in 2020 issued on February 24, 2020 stated –after the preamble- to form Hadhramout University council for training students under article No.(1) and they are:

The decree in its first item ,stated formatting the mentioned council as follows :

1-      Prof. Vice President of the University students’ affairs.                                                         Chairman            

2-      Prof. assistant Vice President of the University students’ affairs                                                        member

3-      Director of students’ training Centre                                                                                       member

4-      General Director of training                                                                                                       member

5-      Director of Financial Administration in the Centers                                                              member

6-      Director of Registry Administration in the Centers                                                               member

7-      Media Director in the Centers                                                                                          member

Director of Communication Administration in the office of Deputy Students’ Affairs    member