HU President Congratulates Researcher Omer Pazgevan

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Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbesh, HU President , congratulated Dr. Omar Pazgivan, in a phone call with him and said “we are proud to have your name appear in this world rankings as one of the world’s leading scientists. You raised the name of our country in significant scientific fields, and we confirm that the researchers of Hadhramout in our time still hold many hopes and aspirations to write a history of history and civilization”.

Dr. Omar Pazgivan, a professor at Hadhramout University and Seiyun University, was listed among the top 2% of scientists worldwide in the study published on October 19, 2021 in the journal PLOS Biology, by a professor from Stanford University, a major American university, using the Scopus database. The list included approximately 160,000 scientists from 149 States in 22 major scientific fields and 176 sub-disciplines. He is a researcher at the doctoral course at Mansoura University, Egypt, in mathematics – differential equations, and has published more than 100 papers in his specialty.

According to the Alper-Doger Scientific Index, which classifies researchers on the basis of scientific performance and the added value of scientific productivity of scientists, Dr. Omar Pazguivan, 35 years old ,a Professor at HU and SU, ranks sixth among Yemeni scientists with a high body of scientific research and ranks globally (237105) in the same website.