Closing Ceremony of the 25th Anniversary Celebration

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 Under the sponsorship of Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr, the  Hall of Ali Hood Baebad in the University Presidency witnessed a Closing and Honoring Ceremony of the 25th anniversary celebration for the winners of the University awards for 2018, the winners of the 3rd scientific conference for HU students, and the top graduates with honors of all colleges the academic year 2016-2017.

 At the ceremony, Hadhramout Governor, the commander of the 2nd Military Region, Major General: Faraj Salmeen Al – Bassani, confirmed that HU has achieved many improvements in various scientific fields, and the local authority in the governorate will support the infrastructure of the University and allocate funds to build the University of Seiyun.

 From his part, Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, HU Rector, said that the University established in 1993 and today it celebrates the 25th anniversary of its establishment as a prestigious scientific University that has provided more than 27 thousand graduates, and today, it celebrates the graduation of a new batch of its students. He stressed that the University has carried out more than 100 training courses and more than 30 workshops for its academic faculty staff and their assistants and employees.

 At the end of the ceremony, Governor of Hadhramout. Faraj Salemin Al-Bassani, Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbash, HU Rector, Dr. Salem Mubarak Al-Obthani, Rector's deputy for Student Affairs, Dr. Abdullah Saleh Baabeer, Rector's deputy for Academic Affairs and Dr. Hadi Salem Al-Sabban, and the heads of committees of HU awards and the scientific conference of HU students, honor the families of the martyrs of the academic faculty staff and their assistants and HU employees and handing them over the commemorative shields.