HU\ President Resolution on Scholarship Termination of Miss\ Anisah Amer Salmn Bin Azzon for Studying Master’s Degree \ Aden University


Hadhramout University president resolution No.(110) in 2020  issued  on Rabi II 15,1441 AH ,corresponding to November 29, 2020,  stated after -the preamble- to terminate the scholarship of Miss Anisah Amer Salmeen Bin Azzon under the article No(1), due to her completion of master’s  degree(Internally) in specialty of English language-Translation at Aden university. Article No(2)stated to pay the full salary to the delegate  during  her  scholarship period. Article No(3)stated she has to comply with the exact specialization specified by the scientific department. Article No(4) stated granting the student research, books and printing allowances. Article No(5)stated the scholarship period starts in the academic year 2020-2021.