Discussing Cooperation Agreement Activation Between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS & Hadhramaut Universities

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A meeting between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS & Hadhramout University via Zoom communication , discussing the activation of the agreement, in the academic field. In the presence of Prof. Jamil Ahmed Baghfar, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs , Prof. Dr. Salmeen Al-Shaamli, Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum for Academic Affairs,  Dr. Mazen Abdullah Bahshwan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computers  & Information Technology for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Samir Al-Buri, representative of Hadhramaut University to Malaysian universities.

Prof. Abdullah Saleh Babair, Vice President of Hadhramout University for Academic Affairs, said that Hadhramout University looks forward to establishing close relations of cooperation between Hadhramout University and Petronas University, in order to achieve the desired goals, in the field of exchanging visiting professors, developing educational curricula, as well as opening joint scientific programs in masters And sending a number of the first training batches to be trained at Petronas University, and other academic fields, according to the available capabilities, and as dictated by the existing conditions, locally, regionally and internationally.

For his part, Prof. Helmy Mukhtar, Vice President of the Malaysian University of Petronas, in the presence of a number of leaders of academic work at Petronas University,  expressed his happiness for the scientific cooperation that will be implemented during the current year 2022 ADbetween the faculties of Petronas University specialized in engineering sciences, and the faculties of engineering and petroleum, computers and information technology at Hadhramout University,

He added that Petronas University will receive a number of Hadhramout University students starting next September, according to the regulations followed in the country, provided that travel procedures are taken before that, according to the regulations followed in the two countries.

During the meeting, the two universities gave a brief presentation on their academic aspects, especially those related to the various specializations engineering , computers and information technology.