Hadhramaut University Students’ Political Forum in Partnership with Department of Counseling and Public Relations holds a course entitled: Criminal procedure .

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Under the auspices of Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khabbesh, President of Hadhramaut University, and Dean/Saeed Ben Douis Al-Obthani, Director of Security /Hadhramaut, within the Sail programme; Hadhramaut University Students’ Political Forum held the training course entitled: The Criminal Procedure, in partnership with the Department of Counseling and Public Relations,  in the Hall of Bereaved Major General/Saeed Ahmed Mohammadi, which lasts for four days from 21-24 February,2022.

The training course was opened by colonel/Saeed Ben-Douis al-Obani, security director of the Hadhramaut Coast ,  with a statement welcoming all the trainees, urging them to adhere to and to make maximum use of the training course; That it will benefit them in the future in their work.

Prof. Salem bin Salman, Assistant Vice-president of Hadramaut University for Student Affairs, said: This training course is designed to enrich our  students with valuable information that will effectively contribute to the development of their knowledge and to the expansion of their knowledge of criminal proceedings.

The course instructor, Colonel Saad Nasr Marta, provided a detailed explanation of the laboratory and the criminal procedure, the steps taken in the event of the murders, and the writing of the initial report of the crime scene, which he explained with a practical application through which the trainees interacted.

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