A Meeting of Committees Chairpersons of 2nd Scientific Research

IMG 0029

The High Committee of the Second Scientific Research held its third meeting headed by ,  Prof.  Mohammed Saeed Khanbesh, HU President , in the presence of Vice-Presidents of the University and Chairpersons of Special Committees.

The committees  chairpersons reviewed final preparations for the launch of the second Scientific Research Week at Hadhramaut University, which will begin next Tuesday, 15th March, with the opening ceremony in the presence of the Hadhramaut local authority, a number of university leaders, Faculty deans, their deputies, heads of scientific departments, heads of scientific centers, researchers and students.

On the first day of the research week, an international scientific symposium will be held, in which universities from Britain, Switzerland and Malaysia, as well as Hadhramaut University, will participate, during which a number of scientific papers will be presented.

It should be noted that the First Postgraduate Students Conference and the 7th  conference for undergraduate students are Two scientific events with the status of a science portal for university students in the field of scientific research and a communication channel  between researchers.