A Scientific Symposium Entitled “Developing the Outcomes of Universities and Institutes to Keep Abreast with Future Jobs

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The activities of the scientific symposium were held in Ali Ahmed Bakatheer Hall at university presidency via zoom, which were organized by the Benevolent Fund for Outstanding Students with the participation of Aden University, Hadhramout University, Seiyun University , the Institute of Dr. Amin Nasher for Health Sciences in Aden ,Institute of Health Sciences in Hadhramout. It titled “Developing the outcomes of universities and institutes to keep abreast with future jobs”.

At the opening session of the symposium, Dr. Omar Abdullah Bamahsoon; founder and chairman of the Benevolent Fund for Outstanding Students had delivered a speech in which he welcomed the participants from the universities and institutes. In addition he expressed  his pleasure to hold such this scientific symposium in order to urge students to enroll in new specializations which keep abreast with the requirements of the labor market, as well as the interest of universities and institutes with these specializations to improve and develop higher education in Yemen.

On his part, Prof.  Al-Khudher Nasser Lasour; President of the University of Aden, indicated in his speech that the University of Aden is proud of its participation in this symposium to discuss the development of universities and institutes outcomes to keep pace with future jobs, especially new specializations. He also expressed the university’s readiness to cooperate with the Benevolent Fund for Outstanding Students to update the scientific curricula, hoping that the symposium will produce recent outcomes that serve the future.

From his side, Prof.  Muhammad Ashour Al Kathiri; President of Seiyun University, indicated in his speech that the continuous development in universities requires concerted efforts of all concerned parties, as well as attention to qualifying the students and establishing  training and qualifying courses to improve the educational outcomes that keep pace with the requirements of the labor market. At the same time  Prof.  Abdullah Saleh Babair; Vice President  for Academic Affairs, pointed out that this symposium comes to shed light on the modernization of higher education programs as well as  developing the new programs by using modern technical means that contribute to the development of the outcomes of these academic and scientific institutions and to  be able to compete and continue. They all expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Benevolent Fund for Outstanding Students for organizing this Scientific symposium.

Over the course of three sessions, the workshop discussed a number of working papers on “Universities and institutes keep abreast with scientific and knowledge development,” “Future jobs,” “Challenges and ambitions,” “Adjusting the outcomes of universities and institutes to the requirements of the labor market.”

The symposium aims at developing the university education programs, restructure scientific specializations to keep abreast with future jobs, align the labor market with education outcomes, and prepare qualified learning outcomes with distinctive knowledge and skills that match the local and global labor market and reduce unemployment.

The symposium was attended by Prof. Hadi Salem Al-Sabban; Vice President of Hadhramout University for postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Muhammad Awadh Lardhi; director of health institutes in Hadhramout, and Mr. Awadh Belfakih; executive director of the Benevolent Fund for Outstanding Students and a number of deans and their deputies, academics and students.

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