Hadhramout University Participates In Seba University’s First Scientific Conference

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On 25 and 26 May 2022, the first scientific conference of the University of Saba was held in Marib governorate under the slogan “Science is a future home”, which discussed over two days 40 academic research and a scientific paper spread across four themes: the reality of education in Yemen, leadership and administration, humanities and legal sciences, and natural and applied sciences.

At the opening of the conference, Abdullah Abu Al-Ghaith,  Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council, conveyed to everyone the greetings and congratulations of the political leadership represented by the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, members of the Presidential Council, and the Speaker of the Shura Council, Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the restoration of Yemeni unity. .

For his part, the Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Khaled Al-Wasabi, Scientific Research, Technical Education and Vocational Training, spoke through Zoom technique, at the outset conveying the greetings of the State of the Prime Minister Dr. Moeen Abdulmalik, and wishing him the success of the first scientific conference of Seba University . ” In a few years, the University of the Province of Saba had been able to find an advanced place among Yemen’s various State universities” He added.

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The Undersecretary of Marib Governorate, Dr. Abdulbah Moftah, gave a speech in which he stressed the importance of holding this first scientific conference of the University and said that this conference represents a glimmer of hope for rebuilding the future of generations and re-engineering the education system in the national interest and the lofty principles of the Yemeni revolution.

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Also, Dr. Hussein Al-Moussai, vice president for postgraduate studies and chairman of organizational committee , reviewed preparations for the first scientific conference and said that this conference reflects the vision of the future university and is based on the importance the university attaches to scientific research and its importance in the development of the country’s comprehensive educational process and the preservation of its cultural identity.

It was attended by the deputies of Hadhramaut and Shabwa Universities for postgraduate Studies, Prof. Hadi Al-Sabban, Prof. Muhammad Al-Mutahari, deans of faculties and academics.

In the same event , Prof. Hadi Salem Al-Sabban, participated on the second day with a scientific paper on “Social Partnerships in University Jobs.” Through which he presented justifications, goals, standards, objectives, models and obstacles to community partnerships in Yemeni universities, after which some discussions were circulated and answered. then he was honored with the conference shield and a certificate of participation.

For his part, Prof. Hadi Salem Al-Sabban, honored the University of Seba Province with the shield of Hadhramout University.

Also, at the conclusion of its first scientific conference, Sheba University granted Hadhramaut University the university shield in recognition of its role in the beginnings of its founding and the provision of scientific and academic aid and advice between the two universities.