HU Council Holds Its Sixth Session for The Academic Year 2021-2022

فهرس 2

Hadhramout University Council held its sixth regular session for the academic year 2021-2022 , headed by Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbash, President of the University, and in the presence of the Vice Presidents of the University and members of the Council.

The President of the University expressed his appreciation for the role played by members of teaching staff , their assistants and university affiliates in order to continue the study.

The Vice-Presidents of the University presented a number of recommendations of Academic Affairs deputyship , Student Affairs deputyship , and postgraduate Studies Affairs and  Scientific Research deputyship,  related to educational, academic and student aspects in the university’s faculties, for discussion and approval, in addition to approving the minutes of the last fifth session of the Council, and new topics submitted to this session.

The council has taken a number of decisions, including approving a number of academic promotions for faculty members and their assistance and the adoption of procedures for coordination, admission and absorptive capacity for the next academic year 2022/2023 AD in various bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs.

As well as ratification of the graduation results of a number of undergraduate and graduate students, among others.