A Joint Research Project between HU and UTP in Malaysia


A meeting was held on Monday morning, 22 August  between researchers from Hadhramout University  and  Malaysian Universiti Teknologi Petronas. As part of its unremitting efforts to enhance the scientific research by activating partnership with universities around the world and through the research platform , scientific publishing and supporting projects.  The meeting discussed the frameworks for implementing a Joint scientific project which was funded by the two universities and comes in implementation of the partnership agreement signed between the two universities and  the meeting outcomes of the two universities’ presidents in 9 March, 2022.

Dr. Fawnizu Azmadi  Hussin ; associate professor and the leader of the research team at UTP, expressed his great happiness for such cooperation, wishing everyone success in achieving a well scientific publication during the project implementation period. In addition to the possibility of adopting a postgraduate student to work on the same subject and under the supervision of the joint team.

From his part, Dr. Makarem Bamatraf; the leader of the research team at Hadhramout University, expressed the importance of such a project and thanked the attendees for their interest, providing a full explanation of the idea under implementation. After that, they discussed in detail the mechanism of the work and the general idea of ​​the project, provided that the discussion will continue in sessions periodically in the coming days.

It is worth mentioning that this joint research project is the first of its kind between the universities of Hadhramout and Petronas, entitled (SDN Traffic Engineering Using Deep Re-infoccment Learnin), which was chosen from among a group of titles submitted by the faculty of Engineering and Petroleum at Hadhramout University so that the project will be implemented in a period not exceeding 18 months.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Rasha bin Thalab; a member of the research team at Hadhramout University, and Dr. Samir Al Bawri, in addition to a number of professors and specialists from Universiti Teknologi Petronas.