English Language Department at Arts Faculty Launches The Program ”World in Conversation”


English Language Department at Art’s Faculty launched the program ” World in Conversation” under the supervision of Students Affairs Deputyship of Hadhramout University.

HU students are preparing to participate in the first sessions of this program which was organized by Diplomatic Center in Arts Faculty at University of Pennsylvania in United States of America.

Seven of students from Hadhramout University participated in the program. They were selected according to their performance in interviews, and their fluently in English which were held on Monday and Tuesday.

The first session will be held on Thursday afternoon at Four O’clock in IT Center at University Presidency via video conference ”zoom”. It will lasts weekly up to the 1st first of December.

The issues that will be discussed during this program focused on the lectures presented by Dr. Sam Richards in University of Pennsylvania. They are general cultural subjects of common interest to students from Hadhramout University, as well as students from the Sociology Department of University of Pennsylvania, United States of America. The first session will discuss the idea of homeland and do the families spend their vacations? In addition to where and how they spend it?

