HIV Awareness Campaign Within The National Program to Fight AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases


HIV awareness campaign was launched on Sunday, corresponding to 18/12/2022 at Colleges Complex in Fuwa under the generous sponsorship of Mr. Mabkhoot bin Madi; Governor of Hadhramout and head of the local council and the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al-Baiti, who had a major role in this awareness campaign. It was implemented by the Health and Population Office, represented by the National Program to fight AIDS and STDs.

This campaign will continue until 26/12/2022, and a voluntary counseling and testing will be carried out by male and female students. It is worth mentioned that the awareness tent for early detection of AIDS will be conducted in Fuwa colleges complex on Wednesday 12/28/2022, and the awareness tent on AIDS will be set up during the activities of the eighth university student week.

