Hadhramout University and the Regional Office of UNESCO


Hadhramout University’s vision extends beyond national borders, aiming for collaboration on a global scale. This ambition took a major step forward with a recent virtual meeting between the university and the Regional Office of UNESCO in Doha, Qatar.

The meeting was held at the office of the HU President at the University’s Presidency to introduce the university to the Regional Office of UNESCO in Doha, Qatar, via Zoom and to discuss areas of cooperation between the two sides.


The meeting was attended by distinguished participants and in-depth discussions. During the meeting, Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, the President of Hadramout University, presented a brief overview of the university, its faculties, academic majors, and the distinctive activities that the university distinguished among the other Yemeni universities. He also emphasized the encouragement of girls to pursue higher education through the Open Education Faculty and its centers in some districts, including Doan. He mentioned that new centers will be opened in Hajr, Wadi Al-Ayn, and Hura in this year 2024, indicating that Hadhramout University has Arab and international cooperation relations, and stated that they look forward to cooperation with UNESCO in the coming period.


 Dr. Anas Bohilal, the Higher Education and Technical Officer at the Regional Office of UNESCO in Qatar, praised the activities, programs, and academic majors implemented by Hadhramout University. He expressed UNESCO’s readiness to cooperate with the university by organizing further meetings to identify the most important needs and establish a communication mechanism between the two parties in the future.

A group of leaders from Hadhramout University and the Arts and Humanities Faculty were chosen to attend the meeting. Prof. Abdullah Saleh Babair, Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Lutfi bin Dahman, the General Director of International Cooperation at the University. From the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Dr. Khaled Awadh bin Makhashen, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, and Dr. Ahmed Salmeen bin Mansour, the Head of the Journalism and Media Department.
