HU Awards Ph.D. Degree to Mohammed Ibrahem Mohammed Bazra’a From The Psychological and Educational Science Department

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The viva-voce examination on the Ph.D. dissertation of the Mohammed Ibrahem Mohammed Bazra’a From The Psychological and Educational Science Department at the Education Faculty was held in Mukalla. It is titled(Proposed strategy to develop the institutional performance of the Hadhramout University in light of the introduction to strategic leadership)


The examination committee consisted of:

Prof. Ahmed Mohammed Bruqaan, Chairman and Internal Examiner.

Prof. Labeeb Abdalaziz Ibrahem, supervisor.( Aden University)

Associate Prof. Adel Mahmoud Hubishi, External Examiner.( Aden University)


The examination committee praised the efforts made by the researcher in collecting and preparing the thesis, and it presented several recommendations to improve the aesthetic image of the research.

The examination was approved to award the researcher a Ph.D. Degree in the Psychological and Educational Science Department at the Education Faculty, curricula, and teaching methods.

The examination was attended by several Staff Members, researchers, the researcher’s family, and friends.

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