HU president resolution No.(51)


Hadhramout University president resolution No. (51)  in 2020 issued on February 23, 2020  stated after -the preamble- to constitute the committees for preparing the regulations of investing  the back area of the university presidency proposal under article No.(1) stated the mentioned committees as follows:

Economical committee

  1. Dr. Hasan Omar Bin Ghanem                                                     Chairman
  2. Dr. Mahfoodh Abdul Kareem Al-Musalli                                 member
  3. Dr. Muhsen Muhammad Bin Kulaib                                         member
  4. Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Kassadi                                              member
  5. Dr. Waleed Ahmad Al-Attas                                                        member

Engineering committee

  1. Dr. Abdullah Hassan Al-Jefry                                                      member
  2.  Dr. Sabri Awad Altareemy                                                          member
  3. Dr. Mohammad Hussein Al-Gefry                                             member
  4.  Dr. Ameen Mabrook Bin Muhanna                                         member
  5. Dr. Waleed Ahmad Bazar                                                            member


Legal committee

  1. Dr. Ghaleb Abdullah Al-Gaity                                          chairman
  2. Dr. Omar Saleh Bawazeer                                                member
  3. Dr. Arwa Ahmad Al Fardy                                                 member


Article No.(2) stated the decision shall be enforced from the date of its issuance, and the concerned authorities must approve and implement it.