HU participates in the 5th International Chemical Conference, Indonesia


Dr. Hassan Pierre Ali Hassan, Assistant Professor, College of Environmental Science and Marine Biology – HU , participated in the Fifth International Chemical Conference ISC2021 organized by the University of Padjadjaran of Indonesia.

And Dr. Hassan Pierre Ali Hassan gave his research, entitled "Synthesis and characterization of macroalgae-based biodiesel from azolla ferns feedstock" . on Wednesday, 28 October, at 2:30 p.m., Yemen time via Zoom virtual connection

The most important results of the research:

1. Extraction of biodiesel from the algae in fresh water

2. Azalea algae contain the essential fatty acids for biodiesel.

3. The oil was extracted from the azalea algae using suxlet technology.

4. Extraction was 19%.

5. Isotope oil has been converted into biodiesel by transesterifiction with a base catalyst, sodium hydroxide.