Dr. Hadi Saban, Acting Vice-President of the University for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, said that the level of scientific research at the University had made great strides in terms of the quality of research and its contact with vital issues, and commended the master’s thesis discussed today at Environmental Science and Marine Biology College, entitled ” Investigating the relationship between food habits and developed gonads of Black tip shark, charcharhinus limbatus from Gulf of Aden and Arabian sea” by Salmian Abdul Khaliq Bamsoud .
The researcher reviewed the importance of the Black tip shark in the marine environment and the increasing pressure on it through economic activity around the world and the Gulf of Aden region, especially since the 1980s, which threatens it to become extinct in the absence of laws and legislation regulating and managing the stock, since biological data are one of the foundations of stockpile management.
The researcher discussed the significant of the study as providing biological data on the feeding of the most important commercial species of shark in the Gulf of Aden, but as previous studies have pointed out, not enough attention has been paid to biology; it comes to achieve 3 biological goals:
1_ Studying the feeding habits of the black tip shark.
2_ Determining the contents of the stomach of a black tip shark.
3_ Contribute to the establishment of a biological database on the Black tip shark.
At the end , examiners suggested that to change the name of the study to become ” Food habits of Black tip shark, charcharhinus limbatus in coastal waters of northern Somali, Gulf of Aden”
the researcher was awarded a master’s degree with an excellent general grade.
The examinations committee consisted of:
1_ Prof. Abdullah Ahmed Basmaidi “Chairman and internal examiner”
2_ Dr. Mohammed Yassin Ramzo (member and external examiner) “Aden University”
3_ Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Duhail “Supervisor”