HU Marine Biology Department Carries out An Educational Field Visit for the 4th Level Students


Marine Biology department at Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty carries out a field visit for the 4th level students, 22 batch on Thursday, February 10, 2022 to the  coast of AlDahas in Broom Maifa. They got acquainted with the coral reefs and their types as well as the impact of human activities upon them.

The students were guided by Dr. Jaafar Omar Baomar, and teacher Mustafa Salem Baridi.  They briefed students on the existing coral diversity, and highlighted the dangers to this species of marine life, primarily humans, whome pose the greatest threat to the annihilation of these marine species.

At the end of this scientific visit, the students collected samples from the coral reefs colonies for the laboratory study.

These activities comes within the plans and programs of the Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology faculty to provide students with knowledge and experience, and to link the scientific aspect to the field.