The Viva- Voce Examination on the MA Thesis of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Department at HU


the Viva- Voce examination on a master’s thesis was held on Sunday morning, February 28, 2022, in Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty  at Hadhramout University, in the use of alternative energy and its impact. It was titled ”Assessment and Analysis of Wind Power Density and Energy Conversion in Al Adwas Ras-Huwirah area Hadhramout – YEMEN” by the researcher Eman Abdullah Baras.

At the beginning of the session, the researcher presented a brief presentation to the examination committee, in which she reviewed the theory, concepts, and methodology she used in the analysis, along with the objectives and the significant of the thesis. At the same time some scientific comments were made by the committee that would enrich, refine and revise the thesis. The examination committee consisted of Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Bawadi; supervisor from Hadhramout University, Dr. Jamal Abu Bakr Abbad; member and internal examiner from Hadhramout University, and Prof. Salem Muhammad bin Qadi; chairperson and external examiner from University of Aden.

At the end of the session, the thesis was approved and accepted with recommendations for amendments by the examination committee, and the researcher was awarded a master’s degree. It was attended by the Dean of the faculty, Dr. Khalid Awadh Al-Rubaki, and his Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Aidha bin Ali Al-Haj, a number of the department and faculty professors, some students, interested persons, colleagues and relatives of the researcher.