The Viva- Voce Examination on the MA Thesis of Marine Biology Department – HU Entitled the Biomarkers of the Rhizoprionodon Acutus


The viva – voce examination  on the MA thesis by the researcher Khalid Mubarak Awadh Al-Namuri was held on Monday morning, May 16, 2022 at the Higher Studies Hall of the Colleges Complex in Mukalla. It was titled the biomarkers of the Rhizoprionodon acutus (Ruppell 1837) in Al-Mahra governorate – Yemen

The examination committee consisted of Professors;

Dr. Abdullah Ahmed Basmedi as an internal examiner

Dr. Kamal Ahmed Baoum as an external examiner and chairperson of the committee,

Dr. Ahmed Edha bin Ali Al-Haj as supervisor

The thesis discussed  some aspects of the sharks life  such as: nutrition, condition, reproduction of sharks, and their sexual maturity, as well as the fishing equipment. The thesis  concluded with practical recommendations that benefit the relevant authorities in regulating fishing and preserving fisheries. The examination committee praised the efforts made by the researcher in preparing this scientific and field research thesis.

At the end of the session, the thesis was approved after enriching it with scientific observations from the examination committee, and the researcher was awarded a master’s degree. The examination session was attended by Dr. Jaafar Baomar;  the head of the Marine Biology Department, Dr. Salah Abdullah bin Frijan, Dr. Abdulbaset Al-Ghurabi, a number of the department and faculty professors, some students, interested people, colleagues and relatives of the researcher.