Student Council


  • Organization

The Student Council was established in 2006.

  • Vision

 To be a leading board in the work of the student’s union and presenting a qualified model in the local and international federations.

  • Mission

 To improve students of Hadhramout University intellectually, culturally, and qualitatively, qualifying them, developing their skills and creativity, and creating an appropriate educational environment for them to advocate their rights and gains through gone in a close partnership with the components of the university, government institutions and civil society organizations.

  • Objectives
  • To look for the students’ interests and defend their rights.
  • To unify the students’ work.
  • To provide an appropriate educational environment for students.
  • To represent students on the official and popular authorities and institutions as well as, the local and international unions.
  • To support the application of the free education.
  • To look for and courage the students’ creations.
  • To review the regulations and laws restricting students’ work.
  • To resist any trends come against the union and student work.
  • To interact with the community issues and contribute to solving its problems. .
  •  Protect and safeguard the foreign students’ rights and support them.
  • Tasks
  • Students’ rights care.
  • Management of the students’ activities in the College.
  • Advancing the students’ problems to the deanship and participate in solving them.
  • Forming effective partnerships with relevant institutions and organizations.
  • Forming a joint link between students and the College.
  • Services

General students activities which include:

  • Entertainment trips.
  • Workshops for solving some of the students’ issues.
  • Supporting the young components and teams in the College.
  • Raising the capacity of students in some fields by offering training courses.