Students of Marine Biology Department at Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty on a Field Visit to Sharma Reserve


On Thursday, June 23, 2022, students of third and fourth levels, accompanied by a number of staff members and their assistants of Marine Biology Department, organized a scientific visit to Sharma Reserve to acknowledge the types of sea turtles, and study some aspects of their life.

They were welcomed by Mr. Muhammad Awadh Al-Ghurabi; director of Sharma Yathmoun Reserve, who provided basic information about the reserve and the biodiversity in the area, the taxonomic groups of sea turtles, and the behavior of these animals in their reproduction and laying eggs. After that, an environmental survey of the nesting place of sea turtles was conducted, in which the type of turtle was identified, size measurements of the turtle were taken, egg-laying pits, and the effects of turtle encroachment on the coast. The egg-laying and egg-counting behavior of a number of turtles was also documented by video.

In early morning of Friday, June 24, 2022, students were trained on some fishing equipment as well as swimming. They were accompanied by the Head of the Marine Biology Department, Dr. Jaafar bin Omar Baomar, and Dr. Ahmed Ali Belakadi, and a number of staff members. These activities are part of the plans and programs of the faculty to provide students with specialized knowledge and expertise, and to link the scientific aspect with the practical side of the labor market.