Faculty of Environmental Sciences & Marine Biology and Rawabi Al Khair Developmental Foundation To Prepare for Training Courses in the Framework of Program “My Career in my hands-6”


Dr. Khaled Awad Al-Rabbaki, Dean of faculty of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology, met Mr. Jamaan Saeed bin Nasser, Director of Projects Department at Rawabi Al-Khair Foundation for Development.

During the meeting, the Dean of the Faculty was notified that they had chosen two of the quality training courses that the foundation had provided for the program “My career in my hands-6” , which will be implemented in the near future.

These courses funded  by Selah Foundation for Development , and implemented by Rawabi Al Khair Developmental Foundation.

All “My Career in my hands” programmes are primarily based on preparing and enabling graduates and students to possess the skills necessary for working life and entrepreneurship for the beneficiaries of these courses.

The meeting was attended by the faculty side : Dr. Ali Muhammad Baabad, deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Jaafar Baomar,  Head of Marine Biology Department, Moaz Bakathir – teaching assistant , faculty’s Media Officer, and from the Foundation’s side: Mr. Mubarak Ashour Bazheir, Director of Financial Management, and Mr. Anwar Ahmed Baeisa, Director of Media Department. And Mr. Saleh Dahi, director of the Ajyal Institute for Training and Rehabilitation.