Dean of Environmental Sciences at HU & Executive Director of Rawai Al Khair Foundation Check on the Progress of the Training Courses” My Career is in My Hands”


Dr. Khalid Awadh Al- Rabaki; Dean of the Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty at Hadhramout University along with Dr. Abdullah Bahafi; the Executive Director of Rawabi Al- Khair foundation checked on the progress of the training courses within the program” My Career is in My Hands”. It was implemented in the training halls of the faculty.

They visited the halls of fish farming course and animal Feed manufacturing course. They urged the students to attend these courses, explaining the importance of this program in supporting the projects which will be implemented in the near future.

It is worth mentioning that” My Career is in My Hands” program is funded by Silah Foundation for Development, supervised by Rawabi Al Kahir Foundation and implemented by Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty at Hadhramout University.