Deputy Dean of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty Visits the General Authority Office for Environmental Protection in Tarim and the eastern directorates in Wadi Hadhramout


Dr. Ali Muhammad Baabad,Deputy Dean of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty at Hadramout University, visited Office of the General Authority for Environmental Protection (Trim and Eastern Directorates), where he met with engineer Majid Rajab Yadin, Hè was briefed on some of Trim’s environmental issues, and the visited the fuel production unit of plastic waste and expired and used tires.
It is worth mentioning that the fuel production unit it is environmentally friendly that works by combustion without oxygen.
It produces about 700 liters of diesel from each ton of waste.
Note that the capacity is estimated at three tons of plastic waste in each production process, and the process takes only about five hours.
This project is one of the pioneering projects in the governor, and a success story of the faculty, through the director of the unit, who is a graduate of the faculty.
For his part, the Vice Dean invited the faculty member to visit, sign a memorandum of understanding, create partnerships, and conclude a work agreement in the near future between the two sides.