Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology for Student Affairs Meets Delegation of Al-Omran Institute for Studies and Capacity Building in Mukalla


Faculty Media Thursday, January 26th, 2022On Thursday, 1/26/2023 , Dr. Ali Muhammad Baabbad,Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, met Professor Fahmy Mabrouk bin Muhanna Dean’s office of Al-Omran Institute ,with his delegation where the Deputy Dean welcomed them and provided them with some information about the faculty , its departments, specializations, and activities. For his part, the Director of the Al-Omran Institute in Mukalla, reviewed the activities of the Institute and the interventions it provides to students.They were agreed to implement a training course that serves scientific research, entitled (Fundamentals of Scientific Research), and includes two types :1. Preparation of the research plan.2. Mechanism of follow-up students in research performance.The course will be implemented by the visiting professor, Dr. Mari Salem bin Thabet Al-Nahdi, a specialist in tissue culture from the University of Adelaide, Australia. The course will target postgraduate and fourth-level students in the faculty. The meeting was attended by : Dr. Majid Salem bin Muslim, Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology, and dr. Khalid Abdel-Mana, a member of the faculty, and from the institute’s side, Dr. Mari bin Salem bin Thabit Al-Nahdi, the head of the Al-Omran Institute for Studies, from the University of Adelaide, Australia.