Dr. Ali Muhammad Baabad, deputy dean of Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology for Student Affairs, sponsored the preparation and implementation of a scientific activity that serves postgraduate students in the faculty , after they completed the preliminary exams for the master’s stage for the first semester, which there were a training course in research design and writing the scientific work was carried out on a qualitative scientific day by Dr. Mari bin Salem Al-Nahdi, a tissue culture specialist and former member of the University of Adelaide in Australia.The postgraduate students were acquainted with the principles of writing the correct practical research, and the methods of its design. On this occasion, the Deanship of the faulty extends its sincere greetings to all those who contributed to the success of this scientific event, led by the Presidency of Hadramout University, and the Nahd Foundation for Development for its support of the implementation of the course, and to all heads of scientific departments and all faculty administrators.