Students of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology Faculty on A Field Visit to Mukalla Port and Marine Affairs Authority


Fourth-level students of the Environmental Sciences Department visited the port of Mukalla and the Marine Affairs Authority on Monday morning. Mr. Naiem Abdulqade Al-Amodi, the General Director of the Marine Affairs in Mukalla, and his deputy, Mr. Nabil Abdullah Bin Aifan, received the students during their visit to create maritime awareness and to benefit the students with aspects of marine legislation, marine environmental protection, and the role of maritime governmental bodies and institutions students were given practical knowledge by inspecting ships in the Port of Mukalla and getting to know the working system in them.”

The general director and his deputy welcomed the students, presenting them with knowledge in the maritime field, including getting to know the international and national marine legislation governing the work of marine affairs, ports, international organizations, and national institutions responsible for legislation and implementation, in addition to introducing them to the tasks and objectives of the authority, including achieving maritime safety, protecting the marine environment, maritime education and training, etc., Yemeni ports, their divisions and their role, especially the Port of Mukalla of the Yemeni Arabian Sea Ports Corporation.

The visit program included a field visit to the piers of the Port of Mukalla and boarding one of the ships docked there to learn closely about the work and system inside commercial ships, marine environmental protection systems from pollution, and mechanisms for processing fuel, oils, and ballast water so that they do not negatively affect the marine environment. They listened to a comprehensive explanation from the general director and the Crew members.

This activity occurred within the coordination and cooperation between the General Authority for Maritime Affairs and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology to implement a training program in the upcoming period that talks about maritime safety and maritime port management, implemented by the authority’s cadres for faculty students. The students were accompanied by the instructor of the practical subject of oil pollution, Eman Hassan BaOthman, as it comes within the student activities sponsored by the Deanship of the Faculty.