Conclusion of Educational Process Management Workshop and Construction The Quality System of Hadhramaut University in Jeddah


The workshop on managing the educational process and construction a quality system of the Hadhramout University, concluded the work today in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and established  an executive committees for the workshop output to perform the following tasks:

  • Conducting a benchmarking study between a group of accredited universities and accrediting institutions or from different countries and looking at the proposed quality standards.
  • Adopting ) Rubric ( system for self-evaluation of the university, its colleges and scientific centers.
  • Developing the necessary forms for self-evaluation of the university, its colleges and scientific centers according to ) Rubric( system .
  • Conducting mini-workshops to discuss what has been accomplished by the committees formed in the workshop.
  • The university presidency must organize to develop a strategic plan for the university 2020-2024 in light of reviewing and evaluating the previous plan.


The sessions of the workshop (managing the educational process and construction the internal quality system for the Hadhramout University( in Jeddah reviewed in its sessions the components that make up the quality system in some universities and accreditation institutions and were discussed by the participants, as well as they discussed the establishment of a proposal for a quality system At the Hadhramaut University to meet the development of the university’s outputs, the improvement of the educational process, and the construction of the university’s quality system.

Prof.  Mohammed Saeed Khanbash, HU President, said in a special statement that this meeting is a confirmation of Hadhramout University’s direction towards activating responsibility and participation for all university affiliates and stakeholders, to build the quality of education and ensure its continuity in accordance with academic standards for the quality of the educational system. Through the draft that you will come out with by developing a proposal for the internal quality system at HU, which we hope all participants in the workshop will raise with discussion and observations so that the aspirations are achieved.