HU Faculty Union Holds A Fast- Breaking Meal for Its Members


Faculty Union at Hadhramout University held a fast-breaking meal for its members at Ali Baabad hall in the presence of Prof. Abdullah Saleh Babair; Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Hadi Salem Al-Sabban; Acting Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Salem Muhammad Bin Salman; Acting Vice President for Student Affairs, Mr. Abdullah Alawi Aideed; General Secretary of the University, Faculty’s Deans and their Deputies as well as many staff members and their assistants in addition to the retirees.


Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Kasadi, the chairperson of the Union, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, congratulating them on this holy month. He thanked the university leadership for cooperating with the faculty union in achieving the objectives it seeks in the interest of union members. He confirmed that the faculty union made efforts but did not reach solutions with the local authority. He pointed out that the issue of settlements, bonuses, and salaries is still in the process of continuous follow-up.


The attendees urged the university to make more efforts to solve these issues as well as to hold a session for the general Assembly after the Eid Al Fitr holiday to discuss these matters.

