Affiliating HU Colleges, Centers and Assets in Wadi Hadhramout to SU
Based on the Presidential Decree No. 52 of 2017 regarding the establishment of Seiyun University (SU), and on the recommendation of the Prime Minister regarding the affiliation of the colleges, centers and assets of Hadhramout University (HU) that allocate in Wadi Hadhramout to Sieyun University, and based on the decision of the Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research of 2018 stating the formation of a committee for affiliating HU colleges, centers and assets in Wadi Hadhramout to SU, and with reference to the signed memorandum of understanding between HU and SU Presidents on 18 September 2018 in the same respect; it has decided to separate the following colleges: Education – Seiyun, Applied Science, Women – Seiyun and the scientific centers: Palms & Dates, and Honey Bee from HU to be affiliated to Seiyun University as from 18th September 2018, corresponding to 8th Muharram 1440 A.H