2024 HU Student Creativity Awards
An annual invitation to university students with talents and creative abilities towards innovation and excellence to showcase their talents, develop their interests, and enhance their creative abilities
The Student Affairs Deputyship at Hadhramout University, represented by the University’s Student Creativity Awards Committee and the General Administration of Student Activities, announces the opening of registration for participation in the competition for Hadhramout University Student Creativity Awards for the year 2024.
Eligibility criteria of 2023HU Student Creativity Awards:
- Quran Memorization.
- Prophetic Hadith Memorization.
Eligibility criteria Prescribed Hadiths for memorization Award.
- Arabic Poetry.
- Short Story.
- Fine Art (Drawing – Sculpture).
- Singing.
- Radio Narration.
- Photography.
- Short Film Production.
- Scientific Invention.
Eligibility criteria Participation form for the Scientific Invention Award.
To register through the university’s website via this link:
- Best Initiative.
Eligibility criteria conceptual form for a voluntary initiative.
To register for the HU Student Creativity Awards, please click this link:
To download the participation form for the Hadhramout University Awards for the year 2024:
Participation form for Hadhramout University Awards for the year 2024.
The participation form, along with the student’s submitted works, must be submitted within the specified period in this announcement to the following entities:
– Deputy Deans of Student Affairs in the faculties.
– General Administration of Student Activities at the Student Affairs Deputyship at the university’s presidency.
– Student Council heads in the faculties.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 25, 2024.
After the registration period ends, a timetable will be announced for the final qualifiers among the competitors for the Quran Memorization, Prophetic Hadith Memorization, Singing, and Radio Narration Awards.
For inquiries and more information, please contact:
– Mr. Saeed Al-Jariri, Secretary of Student Activities Committees, 778449819.
– Student Saleh Al-Qathami, Head of the Student Activities Department, Student Union, 772937681.
We wish everyone creativity and excellence.