Tender Notice for Stationery, Notebooks, and Examination Envelopes

Tender Notice for Stationery, Notebooks, and Examination Envelopes

Tender Notice for Stationery, Notebooks, and Examination Envelopes

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Public Tender No. (5) for the year 2023

Public Tender No. (6) for the year 2023

Hadhramout University is inviting bids for public tenders

Public Tender No. (5) for the year 2023, supply of stationery and office supplies to the university.

Public Tender No. (6) for the year 2023, supply of notebooks, examination envelopes, and internal memos to the university.

Source of Finance: Self-Funded

Those who will participate in these tenders should submit their written requests during official working hours to the following address: Hadhramout University – General Administration of Purchases and Warehouses – Fuwa – Inshaat Previously to purchase and receive the tender documents in return for an amount of (Thirty thousand) Yemeni riyals, not refundable.

The deadline for submission is on Sunday, 15/10/2023

The offers should be presented in a closed, sealed envelope with the name of the company, project, the tender number, and the bidder’s name in addition to the following:

1-Unqualified bank guarantee:

– In the lump sum amount (385$) of thirty hundred and eighty-five Dollars, valid for 90 days from the date of opening the envelopes or submission of a cheque acceptable to payment for tender No. (5) for the year 2023.

– In the lump sum amount (920$) of nine hundred and twenty Dollars valid for 90 days from the date of opening the envelopes or submission of a cheque acceptable to payment for tender No. (6) for the year 2023.

2- True copy of a valid tax card (original must be brought at the opening of the envelopes).

3- A true copy of a valid assurance card (original must be presented at the opening of the envelopes).

4- A true copy of the registration and classification certificate (original must be brought at the opening of the envelopes). (in the case of contract award, if the winning company is not registered at that time, it will be required to provide proof of registration with the relevant authorities in Yemen as a requirement for contract signing).

The documents should submitted to the Administration of Purchases and Warehouses – Fuwa – Inshaat Previously. The deadline for receiving the offers will be Sunday at 11:00 AM on 22/10/2023. Any offers submitted after opening the envelopes shall not be considered. Opening the envelopes will be at 11:15 AM on Sunday,22/10/2023, in the Office of the General Secretary in the presence of the bidders or their representatives with a signed and sealed authorization.

Those who wish to participate in this tender must review the tender documents before submitting their bids during the official hours from this announcement date until Sunday, October 15, 2023.

Tender No. Description Tender fee Source of Funding Tender guarantees Deadline Opening Date Announcement
5/2023 supply of stationery and office supplies to the university.


30000 Yemeni Rials Self-Funded (385$) Sunday


 Sunday 22/10/2023 at 11:00 PM First time
6/2023 supply of notebooks, examination envelopes, and internal memos to the university.


30000 Yemeni Rials Self-Funded (920$) Sunday


Sunday 22/10/2023 at 11:00 PM First time



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