A Joint Cooperation Between Charity Creative Engineering Foundation & Residential Cooperative Society of Hadhramaut University Stuff


Eng. Ali Abu Bakir Baraheam, director of the charity Creative Engineering Foundation met with Mr. Adnan Aljilani, Secretary-General of the Residential Cooperative Association of Hadhramout University Staff. The meeting discussed joint cooperation  in engineering, construction, architecture, studies, designs, consulting and other works of art. The Secretary-General of the Residential Cooperative Society reviewed the projects that the Association was seeking to achieve and implement for the staff of the University, including the Association’s residential project in Fluk area, reviewing the capital plan of the residential city and the services covered by the Scheme.

In turn, the President of the charity Creative Engineering Foundation, Engineer Ali Barhem, expressed their willingness to cooperate and partner with the Residential Cooperative Society of Hadhramaut University stuff and to provide them with all the construction, engineering, art and architecture studies as well as the services covered by the Association’s residential project to serve low-income employees, noting that the Foundation was established to provide its engineering, architectural, construction, civic and design and design services.