The College of Arts endorses the outcomes of the discussion panel and the exam paper


Yesterday, Sunday, 16/12/2018, the Council of the college of Arts at the University of Hadhramaut approved the outcomes of the discussion panel on the examination paper and the procedures for conducting the examinations, which was held last Wednesday 12/12/2018. Dr. Ali Hussein Al-Bar, deputy dean of the College for Quality Affairs described the image as coming to define the technical features of one paper and a model A standard that all scientific departments adhere to and through which everyone takes specific forms in accordance with academic terms and controls. He pointed out that the questions are drawn up, taking into account that they include the entire curriculum and that they include the different patterns of rules for setting exam questions, and that hall observers and a supervisor will be placed so that the examination process in the halls will facilitate And that saves effort and energy.

The outputs of the paper focused on:

Forming committees to review exams at the college level, amend the agreed forms and work with a unified model, as well as seeking to establish a course with the competent authorities, especially in the College of Education entitled

(Formulation of achievement questions).

Dr. Muhammad Awad Barshid, Dean of the college of Arts at Hadhramaut University, said at the opening of the workshop that it comes as a first initiative, and the college had previously discussed such a paper as one of the basic tasks of the educational process, adding that through the workshop’s axes, participants will be given scientific methods for setting exam questions.