Activation of the Framework Agreement Between the Political Science Departments at Cairo University and Hadhramout University


Professors from Cairo University and Hadhramout University emphasized the importance of enhancing cooperation between the two universities to develop the curricula of the Political Science departments based on the Framework Agreement signed between them. As a result, a workshop on course descriptions of Political Science at Hadhramout University was launched this morning at the Yemeni Cultural Center in Cairo.


Dr. Mohammad Awadh Barshaid, the Dean of Arts and Humanities Faculty at Hadhramout University, stated that this workshop represents the translation of the outcomes of last year’s workshop towards the development of teaching Political Science in the Arab world between the Political Science Departments at Cairo University and Hadhramout University. In addition, the name of the Arts Faculty at Hadhramout University has changed to accommodate various specializations.


 Dr. Salah Medshal, the Head of the Political Science Department at Hadhramout University, pointed out that the course descriptions in the Political Science department enable the lecturer to crystallize their ideas and present information to the students interactively and contribute to enhancing the student’s mental capacities.


Furthermore, the professors of the Political Science Department at Cairo University, Dr. Alaa El-Din Helal, Dr. Aft El-Zoghby, Dr. Zainab Majdy, Dr. Ahmed Abdelhafiz, and Dr. Mohamed Safi El-Din, discussed in the first-day sessions of the three-day workshop the benefits of exchanging experiences between the professors of the two universities, achieving self-assessment, and increasing the interaction between professors and students in a field closely related to local environments and the study of human societies.


The workshop also addressed the challenges facing the outcomes of Political Science departments in the Arab world and the requirements for course descriptions. It discussed how to elevate critical thinking in Political Science courses to engage the mind and the importance of determining mandatory and elective courses in Political Science departments. The workshop will continue with sessions that include course descriptions of political theory, political thought, international relations, and research methodology.