The Viva-Voce Examination on the M.A Thesis Entitled ”Neil al-Maqsood Explanation of Sunan Abi Dawood by the scholar Judge Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali Zakin Bahnan al-Kindi – 1391 AH)”


The viva- voce examination on the M.A thesis was held on Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Mukalla by the researcher Muhammad Hussein Al-Akbari, It titled ”Neil al-Maqsood Explanation of Sunan Abi Dawood by the scholar Judge Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali Zakin Bahnan al-Kindi – 1391 AH).”At the end of the examination, the committee enrich the thesis with a number of scientific remarks and approved awarding him the master’s degree. The deanship and all the faculty affiliates sent their sincere congratulations to the researcher for obtaining this academic title, wishing her success.The examination committee consisted of Dr. Zain bin Muhammad Al-Aidarous, Chairman and Scientific SupervisorProf. Dr. Abdullah Abu Bakr Belfakih, an external examiner Dr. Ahmed Saqqaf Al-Aidarous as an internal examiner The examination was attended by , faculty dean , Head of the Islamic studies Department, a number of faculty members, researchers, family and friends of the researcher.